1st Security Bank Partners with StrategyCorps to Enhance its Consumer Checking by Providing Rewards and Benefits to Customers
1st Security Bank is pleased to announce a partnership with StrategyCorps, a Nashville-based fintech (financial technology) provider, to enhance its consumer checking accounts with rewards and money-saving deals on products and services. The Bank launched 2 new accounts earlier this year, which offer the 1st Rewards® mobile app as a complimentary addition to traditional perks of the company's account offerings.
1st Rewards is powered by StrategyCorps' BaZing app and allows bank customers access to money-saving benefits such as roadside assistance, cell phone protection, bill negotiation service and more. Additionally, the app has a complete menu of local merchant discounts on travel, dining, auto services, and recreation.
"We are pleased to be able to offer additional benefits to our valued customers with the convenience of our new mobile app, 1st Rewards," said Kelli Nielsen, EVP of Retail Banking and Marketing. "Our partnership with StrategyCorps is in keeping with our commitment to provide our account holders with the latest financial technology."
The BaZing rewards checking mobile app brings the subscription buying model to 1st Security Bank's retail checking line-up. "StrategyCorps gives financial institutions the power to be a financial first responder in the lives of modern consumers with their premier products, BaZing® and CheckingScore®," said Dave DeFazio, founding partner of StrategyCorps. CheckingScore — powered by a database that tracks the performance of more than seven million checking accounts represented by 600 million data points — has helped financial institutions optimize retail checking performance.